Major events of 2001
- Issuance of the remix album "Love without boundaries" dedicated to compositions from the "Migrant" album;
- Remix of PPK of the "Love without boundaries" could be heard on foreign and Russian radiostations;
- Remix pf PPK of the "Love without boundaries" tops Ibiza's discotheques;
- Remix pf PPK of the "Love without boundaries" has entered "Full Contact-2" collection of the "Grand-Records" company;
- Articles in Russian and Latvian press about Valery Siver's albums;
- Compositions from the "Migrant" album could be heard on Russian and Latvian radios as well as on dancing floors of Latvia;
- Valery Siver's personal website establishment;
- Remix of Miguel on the "Love without boundaries" is included into the musical ad album of Coca-Cola;
- Mus-TV broadcasts the clip on the remix of Miguel on the "Love without boundaries";
- Collaboration of Valery Siver with Kiril Trepakov in the new project ("Expedition Zero") - instrumental electro-samplified guitar sounding;
- Establishment of the "UnTitled" electro group, including Valery Siver and Kiril Trepakov, completion of first 12 compositions. The style reminds Ambient.
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